Class 11 Computer Science Sample Paper Term 2 Set-1

Subject Code: 083

Max Marks – 35 /Time – 02 Hrs.

General Instructions:

♦ Attempt all questions. The question paper is divided into 3 sections – A, B and C.

♦ Section A, consists of 7 questions (1‐7). Each question carries 2 marks.

♦ Section B, consists of 3 questions (8‐10). Each question carries 3 marks.

♦ Section C, consists of 3 questions (11‐13). Each question carries 4 marks.

♦ Internal choices have been given for question numbers 7, 8 and 12.


SECTION A (2 marks each)

1.  a) Consider two dictionaries –

d1={1:10, 3: 45, 6:60 , 7:70} and d2={1:15, 2:20, 3:30}.

What will be content of d1 after executing the following command.



1. b) Consider the following code and predict output

dct={ 1: “One” , 2: “Two” , 3: “Three” , 4: “Four”}

for x in dct.values():

print (x, end= “#” )



2. Name the Python Library modules which need to be imported to invoke the following functions:

i) randrange()

ii) mean()


3. What are Open Source Software? Write name of any two software which are categorized as OSS.


4. What do you mean by Net Etiquettes? Discuss any two such etiquettes.


5. a) Which of the following activity is not an example of cyber bullying?

i) Arnav sent an email to his friend with a message saying that “I am sorry”.

ii) Arnav sent a threatening message to his friend saying “Do not try to call or talk to me”.

iii) Arnav created an embarrassing picture of his friend and uploaded on a social networking site.


5. b) Abdul got a call from Bank office and asking PIN, OTP and some details for updation of his ATM card. Which of the following is not suggested for Abdul?

i) He should provide all details as desired by caller.

ii) He should not give any details and contact bank helpline number to check the validity of the call received.

iii) He should inform local police about the call.


6. What are Trojan Horse? How they are different from computer virus?


7. Consider the lists L1=[1,2,3] and L2=[5,6,7]. What will be output of the following‐

i) L1*2

ii) L1+L2


Consider a list L=[10,12,14,20,22,24,30,32,34], find the output of the following‐

i) L[ 0: 10 : 2]

ii) L[ : : 3]


SECTION- B (3 marks each)

8. Discuss the following functions of Dictionary with suitable example:

i) pop()

ii) popitem() 

iii) items()


9. Consider the following program.

import random

AR= [10,20,30,40,50,60,70];

START = random.randint(1,3)

END= random.randint(2,4)

for k in range(START, END+1):

print(AR[k], end = “#”)


9. a) What possible output(s) are expected to be displayed on screen when above program is executed?

i) 10#20#30#

ii) 30#40#50#

iii) 50#60#70#

iv) 20#30#40#


b) Specify the maximum values that can be assigned to START and END variable.


c) What is difference between random() and randint() function.


10. Write the differences between the following —

a) Copyrights and Patents

b) Phishing and Hacking

c) Active and Passive footprints


What is Plagiarism? Discuss two suggestions that should be followed to avoid plagiarism while using contents from the Internet.


SECTION -C (4 marks each)

11. Write a program to read a list of numbers and create another list which store half of each even number and double of each odd number in the list.

Example: if list is containing [3,5,6,2,7,4,5,8]

then new list should contain [6,10,3,1,14,2,10,4]


12. Write a program to input a tuple of integers and display sum of all numbers present in the tuple.

For example, is tuple stores 3,7,2,8,4 then output should be –

Sum of tuple is : 24



Write a program to input a tuple of integers and count how many numbers are divisible with 5.

For example, is tuple stores 3,7,15,35,56,45,65 then output should be –

Total Number divisible by 5 are : 4


13. a) What do you mean by e‐waste? Why should e‐Waste be handled properly?


13. b) What is cyber‐crime? Discuss two precautions to prevent cyber‐crime.



1. a) d1={1:15,2:20, 3:30, 6:60, 7:70}

1. b) One#Two#Three#Four


2. Python Library modules which need to be imported

i) random  ii) statistics


3. Open source software refers to any program whose source code is freely available and open for use, study, modify and distribute without any restriction.

Examples: Python, Mozila FireFox, MySQL, Java, OpenOffice etc.


4. Netiquette combines two words network and etiquette which describes the set of rules for expected and acceptable online behavior while working on Internet and social media platform.

Some common Rules of Netiquette‐

(i) Remember that you are interacting with Human.

(ii) Follow same standards of behavior online that you expect from pthers.

(iii) Respect other people’s time and bandwidth. …

(iv) Share expert knowledge

(v) Respect other people’s privacy


5. a)  (i) Arnav sent an email to his friend with a message saying that “I am sorry”. 

5. b)  (i) He should provide all details as desired by caller.


6. Trojan Horse is a malicious program that seem good but actually perform some malicious functions and can pass confidential data to its developer. 

Unlike viruses, Trojan horses do not replicate themselves but they can be destructive.

For example, a program that claims to rid your computer of viruses but instead introduces viruses onto your computer, may be called Trojan Horse.


7. i) [1,2,3,1,2,3]

7. ii) [1,2,3,5,6,7]


i) [10,14,22,30,34]

ii) [10,20,30]




8. i) pop() : This method removes and returns the dictionary element associated to passed key.



8. ii) popitem() : Removes and returns the last inserted dictionary element.



8. iii) This method returns all of the items in the dictionary as sequence of (key, value) tuples.



9. a) Possible output may be (ii) and (iv)


9. b) Max value for START is 3 and END is 4


9. c) random() generates a float number in the range of 0<=n <1 whereas randint() generates integer number from given lower and upper range (both inclusive).


10. Write the differences between the following —

a) Copyrights and Patents

Copyright Patent
Protects the original work done by any creator for both artistic and literary. Proprietary rights are given to an inventor for innovation and invention.
Others can’t sell, use or perform the same work. Others can’t trade or utilize the invention.
No registration is required. Registration is required.
Others can’t copy or trade on products. Others can’t manufacture or make use of the respective product.
General time is for 70 years after the death of any creator. General time is for 20 years, but the period may vary from country to country.


b) Phishing and Hacking

Phishing Hacking
Hacking is using exploits to gain access to something you do not normally have access to. Phishing is masquerading as a trustworthy source in an attempt to bait a user to surrender sensitive information such as a username, password, credit card number, etc


c) Active and Passive footprints

Active footprints Passive footprints
Active footprint data can trail after any activity done intentionally on Internet like data given while filling application form etc. Passive footprint data can trail after any activity done unintentionally on Internet like tracing location information and web history etc.



Plagiarism is the unethical and wrongful appropriation of using other’s work, thoughts, ideas, or expressions representing as one’s own original work. Plagiarism is not in itself a crime, but like other fraud it can be punished.

The following points can be followed to avoid plagiarism‐

(i) Use your own idea, thought and expression.

(ii) If any contents is copied and used from Internet then source of information and credit to its original author must be cited.

(iii) Any quotation/expression quoted by other must be used with name of original author.




11. program to input a tuple of integers and display sum of all numbers present in the tuple

L=eval(input(“Enter a list of numbers : “))

print(“Entered List : “,L)



for I in range(n):

if L[I]%2==0:




print(“New List is”,OL)


11. program to input a tuple of integers and count how many numbers are divisible with 5.

T=eval(input(“Enter a tuple of numbers : “))

print(“Entered Tuple of numbers is : “,T)



for I in range(n):


print(“Sum of Tuple is :”,sum)


13. a) E‐Waste(Electronic waste) can be defined as discarded electronic devices like computers, electronic appliances and mobile phones etc. which are obsolete or not in use.

E‐waste may be injurious to human health, if not discarded properly. The proper recycling and disposal of e‐waste includes the following‐

Dismantling: Removal of parts containing dangerous substances (CFCs, switches, PCB) and parts containing valuable substances (cable containing copper, steel, iron, gold, silver etc.) should melted and re used.

Segregation: Separate storage and disposal of ferrous metal, non‐ferrous metal and plastic etc.

Refurbishment and reuse: Refurbishment and reuse of e‐waste has potential for those used in electrical and electronic equipment which can be easily refurbished to put to its original use. The working parts of a device can be re‐used in other similar devices.


13. b) Cybercrime is any crime that uses computer and internet are used as tool or victim. Cybercriminals often commit crimes by targeting computer networks or devices.

The following safeguards can be followed to prevent cyber‐crime.

(i) Always use anti‐virus and enable firewall or security mechanism on your PC.

(ii) Always use strong passwords for different accounts used on Internet.

(iii) Customize browser privacy setting to manage history, cookies and other confidential data.

(iv) Never share your user ID, password and other private data with others.

(v) Always know your friends on social media and avoid communication/friendship with unknown user.

(vi) Take measures to help protect yourself against identity theft.


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