Math Project CBSE Class 10


Mathematicians seek and use patterns to formulate new conjectures; they resolve the truth or falsity of such by mathematical proof. When mathematical structures are good models of real phenomena, mathematical reasoning can be used to provide insight or predictions about nature.

Through the use of abstraction and logic, mathematics developed from counting, calculation, measurement, and the systematic study of the shapes and motions of physical objects. Practical mathematics has been a human activity from as far back as written records exist.

The research required to solve mathematical problems can take years or even centuries of sustained inquiry. Mathematics makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. Certain qualities that are nurtured by mathematics are power of reasoning, creativity, abstract or spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability and even effective communication skills.

Thus importance of Mathematics is substantial in our life. We are going to explore some of the aspects of mathematics and their practical uses here.


Project 1: Mathematics in everyday life.
“finding the height of a tree with the help of mathematics.”
Project 2: History of Mathematics.
history of Pi “π”.

1. Mathematics in Everyday Life

Maths is the universal language which is applied in almost every aspect of life. Basic mathematical concepts are followed everywhere and all the time. Mathematics includes the study of such topics as quantity (number
theory),structure (algebra), space (geometry), and change (mathematical analysis). It has no generally accepted definition.

Here are few aspects of our lives where application of mathematics is clearly evident.

i. Making Routine Budgets
“How much should I spend today? When I will be able to buy a new car? Should I save more? How will I be able to pay my EMIs? Such thoughts usually come in our minds. The simple answer to such type of question is maths. We prepare budgets based on simple calculations with the help of simple mathematical concepts. So, we can’t say, I am not going to study maths ever! Everything which is going around us is somehow related to maths only.”

ii. Construction Purpose
“How much should I spend today? When I will be able to buy a new car? Should I save more? How will I be able to pay my EMIs? Such thoughts usually come in our minds. The simple answer to such type of question is maths. We prepare budgets based on simple calculations with the help of simple mathematical concepts. So, we can’t say, I am not going to study maths ever! Everything which is going around us is somehow related to maths only. ”

iii. Cooking and Baking

“In our kitchen also, the maths is performed. For cooking or baking anything, a series of steps are followed, telling us how much of the quantity to be used for cooking, the proportion of different ingredients, methods of cooking, the cookware to be used, and many more. Such are based on different mathematical concepts. Indulging children in the kitchen while cooking anything, is a fun way to explain maths as well as basic cooking methods.

iv. Sports

“Maths improves the cognitive and decision-making skills of a person. Such skills are very important for a sportsperson because by this he can take the right decisions for his team. If a person lacks such abilities, he won’t be able to make correct estimations. So, maths also forms an important part of the sports field.”

v. Management of Time

Now managing time is one of the most difficult tasks which is faced by a lot of people. An individual wants to complete several assignments in a limited time. Not only the management, some people are not even able to read the timings on an analog clock. Such problems can be solved only by understanding the basic concepts of maths. Maths not only helps us to understand the management of time but also to value it.

vi. Computer Applications

Ever wondered how a computer works? How easily it completes every task in a proper series of action? The simple reason for this is the application of maths. The fields of mathematics and computing intersect both in computer science. The study of computer applications is next to impossible without maths. The concepts like computation, algorithms, and many more forms the base for different computer applications like powerpoint, word, excel, etc. are impossible to run without maths.

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