Input a list/tuple of elements and search for a given element in the list/tuple Python Program
# Python Program to input a list of 5 elements and search element in List
mylist = [] print("Enter 5 elements for the list: ") for i in range(5): value = int(input()) mylist.append(value) print("Enter an element to be search: ") element = int(input()) for i in range(5): if element == mylist[i]: print("\nElement found at Index:", i) print("Element found at Position:", i+1)
Enter 5 elements for the list: 45 34 37 34 55 Enter an element to be search: 34 ('\nElement found at Index:', 1) ('Element found at Position:', 2) ('\nElement found at Index:', 3) ('Element found at Position:', 4) >>>
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