Implement a stack using list Python Program
#Python Program to implement stack, Stack operation (PUSH, POP, DISPLAY) stack=[] choice="y" while (choice=="y"): print("1.Push") print("2.Pop") print("3.Show") your_choice=int(input("Enter your choice")) if (your_choice==1): num=input("Input any number") stack.append(num) elif(your_choice==2): if (stack==[]): print("Stack is empty") else: print("The deleted element is:",stack.pop()) elif (your_choice==3): l=len(stack) for i in range(l-1,-1,-1): print(stack[i]) else: print("Wrong choice selected") choice=input("Do you want to continue")
1.Push 2.Pop 3.Show Enter your choice1 Input any number3 Do you want to continuey 1.Push 2.Pop 3.Show Enter your choice1 Input any number6 Do you want to continuey 1.Push 2.Pop 3.Show Enter your choice1 Input any number67 Do you want to continuey 1.Push 2.Pop 3.Show Enter your choice3 67 6 3 Do you want to continuey 1.Push 2.Pop 3.Show Enter your choice2 The deleted element is: 67 Do you want to continue