String Manipulation in Python Questions and Answers Class 11-12


Q.1 : Which  of  the  following returns a copy of  the string with its first character  capitalized ?

a) string.upper()

b) string.capitalize()

c) capitalize()

d) all  of these


Q.2:Which of the following  is not a python legal string operation ?

a) ‘abc’ + ‘abc’

b) ‘abc’ * 3

c) ‘abc’ + 3

d) ‘abc’.lower()


Q.3: Out  of  the following  operators , which one  cannot  be used with strings ?

a) <>

b) *

c) +

d) in


Q.4: The _________ function  returns the ASCII value  of given character ?

a) ord()

b) chr()

c) varchar()

d) none of these


Q.5 : For  a string  s  storing ‘Goldy’ what would s[0]  and s[-1]  return ?

a) g ,y

b) G,y

c) G,d

d) None


Q.6 : ________ refers to iterating  through  the elements  of  a string , one character at a time.

Answer : Traversing


Q.7 : What is the output  produced  by  following expressions ?

  1. “The “


Q. 8: What  do you understand by string slices?

Answer : Slicing is the process of obtaining a portion (substring) of a string by using its indices. Given a string, we can use the following template to slice it and obtain a substring: string[start:end] start is the index from where we want the substring to start.


Q. 9: What  is the role of these functions ?

a) isalpha()

b) isalnum()

c) isdigit()

d) isspace()



isalpha() : returns true if there all  characters in string are alphabetic

isalnum(): returns True if all the characters are alphanumeric

isdigit(): returns True if all the characters are digits

isspace(): returns True if all the characters in a string are whitespaces



Q. 10 : What  are membership operators? What do they basically do?

Answer :

The membership operators are, as the name explains, used to verify a value membership. The operators are used to figure out if there are two forms of value as a part of a sequence, such as string or list membership operators: in and not in

The last character of a string S is at index len(s) -1 . (True/False)


Q. 11 : How are string internally  stored?

Answer :

Python stores strings as sequences of unicode characters. Unicode characters are stored with either 1, 2, or 4 bytes depending on the size of their encoding. Byte size of strings increases proportionally with the size of its largest character, since all characters must be of the same size.

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