Count and display the number of vowels, consonants, uppercase, lowercase characters in string


# Vowels & Consonants count

str = input("Type the string: ")
vowel = set("aeiouAEIOU")
for alphabet in str:
  if alphabet in vowel:
    vowel_count=vowel_count +1
  elif alphabet == chr(32):
print("Number of Vowels in ",str," is :",vowel_count)
print("Number of Consonants in ",str," is :",consonants_count)

# Upper and lower case count

for elem in str:
  if elem.isupper():
    uppercase_count += 1
  elif elem.islower():
    lowercase_count += 1

print("Number of UPPER Case in ",str,"' is :",uppercase_count)
print("Number of lower case in ",str,"' is :",lowercase_count)




Type the string: "Welcome to cbsepython. Best website to learn cbse computer science"
('Number of Vowels in ', 'Welcome to cbsepython. Best website to learn cbse computer science', ' is :', 20)
('Number of Consonants in ', 'Welcome to cbsepython. Best website to learn cbse computer science', ' is :', 37)
('Number of UPPER Case in ', 'Welcome to cbsepython. Best website to learn cbse computer science', "' is :", 2)
('Number of lower case in ', 'Welcome to cbsepython. Best website to learn cbse computer science', "' is :", 54)
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