Important Computer Network Class 12 Question Answer for Computer Science/ Informatics Practices


Q 1- What is a Computer Network? 

Ans: A computer network is a set of interconnected computers sharing resources located on or provided by network nodes.


Q. 2 Who is considered as the creator(s) of the Internet?

Ans: Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn


Q. 3 In which year ARPANET was formed?

Ans: 1969


Q.4 What is the full form of NSFNET?

Ans: National Science Foundation Network


Q. 5 Which project is considered as the foundation of the Internet?

Ans: ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork)


Q. 6 Write the name of the first web browser.

Ans: World Wide Web created by Tim Berners Lee in 1990


Q. 7 Which protocol became the foundation of the Internet?

Ans: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)


Q.8 List any 4 services provided by the Internet.

Ans: Email, Instant-Messaging, Sharing of Devices and Directory Sharing etc.


Q. 9 What is the difference between the Internet and the World Wide Web?

Ans: The Internet is a me   of connecting a computer to any other computer anywhere in the world whereas the World Wide Web is a collection of information which is accessed via the Internet.


Q. 10 What is interspace and how is it different from the Internet?

Ans: InterSpace is a client-server software program, allows multiple users to communicate online with real-time audio, video or text chat in dynamic 3D environments. It provides the most advanced form of communication available on the Internet today. InterSpace is a vision of what the Internet will become in the future.

Important Computer Network Class 12 Question Answer

Q. 11 Give an example of WAN (Wide Area Network)

Ans: Internet


Q. 12 Write the full form of WWW.

Ans: World Wide Web


Q. 13 When was the original ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency NETwork) shut down?

Ans: 1990


Q. 14 Name the types of networks based on the component roles.

Ans: Client-Server Networks and Peer-to-Peer Networks


Q. 15 While transferring data on the internet, the message is divided into small units called as_______

Ans: Packets


Q. 16 Give one example of PAN (Personal Area Network)

Ans: Computer network formed by connecting a laptop with a mobile phone’s hotspot internet. Basically, the network formed by connecting personal devices is called a Personal Area Network.


Q. 17 Give one example of LAN (Local Area Network)

Ans: Computer network established in a school building.


Q. 18 Give one example of MAN (Metropolitan Area Network)

Ans: Cable TV network in a city.


Q. 19 Name the device responsible for converting the digital signal to continuous (analog) signal for transmission over telephone lines.

Ans: Modem


Q. 20 Name the device responsible for forwarding the data packets in a computer network.

Ans: Router


Q. 21 Name the device which is required to connect a computer to any network.

Ans: NIC(Network Interface Card) also known as the NIU (Network Interface Unit), LAN Card, Ethernet Card, TAP (Terminal Access Point).


Q. 22 What is the name given to the unique address assigned to each NIC?

Ans: MAC (Media Access Control) Address also called as the physical address of a device.


Q. 23 Name the types of networks based on their geographical spread.

Ans: PAN (Personal Area Network), LAN (Local Area Network), MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) and WAN(Wide Area Network)


Q. 24 Differentiate between WWW (World Wide Web) and the Internet.

Ans: WWW, also called as W3 is the collection of interlinked hypertext documents commonly known as web pages accessed via the internet. The internet is a global computer network formed by connecting different small networks.


Q. 25 List different components of a computer network.

Ans: Following are the components of a computer network – Workstations/Nodes, Network Hardware such as NIC (network interface card), router, switch, hub etc., communication channel(either wired or wireless) and softwares such as network operating system, browsers and protocols.

Important Computer Network Class 12 Question Answer

Q. 26 List any four advantages of computer networks.


(i) Resource Sharing

(ii) Cost efficient way of communication

(iii) Collaborative user interaction.

(iv) Time Saving

(v) Provides better and reliable storage solutions.


Q. 27 List any four disadvantages of computer networks.


(i) Security issues may arise if proper security measures are not in place.

(ii) Productivity may decline due to ill-management of resources shared on the network.

(iii) In case of centralised data servers, failure of the central server will serve as the single point of failure for bringing down all the services.

(iv) In large networks, you might need to hire a specialist team to manage the network, increasing the cost of network management.

(v) Despite regular updates of antivirus softwares, tr  mission and spread of malicious softwares and files is quite rampant in those systems which are frequently connected to networks.


Q. 28 What is baud rate? 


It is a measure of the speed at which the data is being transferred in a communication channel. The rate indicates the number of electrical oscillations per second that occurs within a data tr  mission. The higher the baud rate, the more bits per second that are transferred. 


Q. 29 Explain the 80:20 rule.


The 80:20 rule states that 80% of the traffic in any network segment should be local and only 20% of the traffic should leave that segment for efficient traffic management.

It simply me   that we should install the server at the site/building containing the maximum number of computers.


Q. 30 What are the components used in communication?

Ans: Sender, receiver, message, protocol and tr  mission media


Q. 31 What is a Communication Channel?

Ans: It is a medium through which we can send a message to its intended audience


Q. 32 What do you mean by a Protocol?

Ans: It is a set of rules or procedures for tr  mitting data between electronic devices.


Q. 33 What is the full form of IP?

Ans: Internet Protocol


Q. 34 How many bits are used in an IPv4 address?

Ans: 32 bits


Q. 35 How many bits are used in an IPv6 address?

Ans: 128 bits


Q. 36 Which Protocol of TCP/IP uses IP Address?

Ans: Internet Protocol (IP)


Q. 37 What is the Bandwidth of a channel?

Ans: It is the difference between upper and lower frequency limits of the analog signal or the maximum amount of information that the channel can carry.


Q. 38 What is the Data Tr  fer Rate (DTR)?

Ans: It is the ratio of the total amount of digital data tr  ferred between two points in some defined period of time and is measured in Bit Per Second (bps) or Bytes Per Second (Bps)


Q. 39 In which type of switching technique the resources are reserved for the duration of the data transfer process

Ans: Circuit Switching


Q. 40 In which type of switching technique the data is divided into smaller units before tr  mission?

Ans: Packet Switching

Important Computer Network Class 12 Question Answer

Q. 41 List the types of communication media with examples of each.


Wired Communication Media – Twisted Pair Cable, Coaxial Cable, Optical Fibre Cable

Wireless Communication Media – Microwave, Radio Waves, Infrared, Satellite Communication


Q. 42 Which wireless communication media is omnidirectional?

Ans: Radio waves


Q. 43 What is an IP (logical) address?

Ans: An IP address is a unique address assigned to each device connected to a computer network.


Q. 44 Give an example of an IPv4 address.

Ans: An IPv4 address is a 32-bit address expressed in decimal notation as x.x.x.x where each x is an integer between 0 and 255. Example:


Q. 45 Which communication media require line-of-sight for communication? 

Ans: Microwaves and Infrared


Q. 46 Which communication media can penetrate solid objects? 

Ans: Radio waves



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