Class 12 Computer Science Unit Test Paper
Unit Test – I ( 2021-22)
Q.1 a) Name the Python Library modules which need to be imported to invoke the following functions :- (1)
i) sqrt
ii) random
b) Rewrite the following code in python after removing all syntax error(s). Underline each corrections done in the code. (2)
250 = Number WHILE Number <=1000: If Number=>750: print Number Number =Number+100 elseif: print Number * 2 Number = + 50
Number =250 while Number <=1000: if Number <=750: print (Number) Number = Number+100 else: print (Number * 2) Number = + 50
c) Find and write the output of the following python code : (2 x 2 = 4)
M1='CoMpUTER' M2='BUgS' M3='' for I in range (0,len(M2)+1): if M1[I]>='A' and M1<='M': M3=M3+M1[I] elif M1[I]>='N' and M1<='Z': M3=M3+M2[I] else: M3=M3+'*' print (M3)
def Changer(P,Q=10): P=P/Q Q=P%Q print (P,'#',Q) return P A=250 B=25 A=Changer(A,B) print (A,"$",B) B=Changer(B) print (A,"$",B) A=Changer(A) print (A,'$',B)
10.0 # 10.0 10.0 $ 25 2.5 # 2.5 10.0 $ 2.5 1.0 # 1.0 1.0 $ 2.5
d) How many times will the following for loop execute and what’s the output ? (1)
Numbers = [9, 18, 27, 36] for Num in Numbers: for N in range (1, Num%8): print (N,"#", end="") print()
1 #1 #2 #1 #2 #3 #
Q. 2 Write the functions for the following :- (3 x 2 = 6)
a) Swapper(Numbers) to swap the first half of the contents of a list Numbers with second half of the content of list Numbers and display the swapped values.
For example:
After swapping [23,12,45,35,67,89]
b) How Many(ID,Val) to count and display number of times the value Val is present in the list ID.
For example:
ID contains [45,65,78,45,23,12,45] and Val contains 45
The function should display
45 found 3 times
c) Count 3 and 7 (N) to find and display the count of all those numbers which are between 1 and N, which are either divisible by 3 or by 7.
For example:
If the value of N is 15
The sum is 7
As (3,6,7,9,12,14,15 in between 1 to 15 either divisible of 3 or 7)
Q. 3 Answer the following :- (2 x 3=6)
a) Write the names of any four data types available in Python.
b) What is the difference between formal parameters and actual parameters? What are there alternative names ? Also give a suitable python code to illustrate both.
c) What is the difference between a local variable and a global variable ? Also, give a suitable code to illustrate both.