Class 11 IP Sample Paper Term 2 Set 1
Term-2 Examination 2021-22
Class: 11
Subject: Informatics Practices
Subject Code: 065
Maximum Marks: 35/ Time: 2 hours
General Instructions
♦ The question paper is divided into 3 sections – A, B and C
♦ Section A, consists of 7 questions (1-7). Each question carries 2 marks.
♦ Section B, consists of 3 questions (8-10). Each question carries 3 marks.
♦ Section C, consists of 3 questions ( 11-13). Each question carries 4 marks.
♦ Internal choices have been given for question numbers – 1, 8 and 13.
Section –A
Each question carries 2 marks
1. Write short notes on big data and its characteristics.
Write Short notes on Natural Language Processing..
2. Differentiate between char (n) and varchar (n) data types with respect to databases.
3. Write SQL Command to perform the following –
Table : student
ID | Name | Class | fee |
101 | Sunil | 10th | 2500 |
102 | Sandesh | 10th | NULL |
103 | Rahul | 11th | 3100 |
a) Delete last record from the table.
b) Add / insert new record in the table { 104 , ‘Chandresh’,’11th ‘ , 3150}
4. Mr. Ramesh Created a table “Hotel” and inserted two records as given below.
On verification of records He found that he entered the wrong phone number of Ramesh. Now help him to correct the phone number by writing the sql command.
The Correct Phone Number is 9406688990.
Table :Hotel
Id | Custname | Phno | Dateof_reporting | City |
101 | Ashok | 9823652653 | 2021-08-08 | Pune |
102 | Ramesh | 9452363636 | 2021-07-09 | Mumbai |
5. MS Sunita created a Database ,inside database she created two tables ( Tb1 , Tb2). Later on she find that table Tb2 is not required for her database .Now she wants to delete the table. Help her by writing the sql command to delete the table from the database.
6. Write the name of SQL command for the following.
a) To list all databases
b)to show description of a table “TB2”
7. Mr. Ben appeared for an interview to get job. Interviewer asked the following two questions based on MY SQL.
a) The key which is has unique and not null value is known as …?
b) A table can contains how many primary keys?
Section –B
Each question carries 3 marks
8. Write SQL commands for the following –
Table : student
ID | Name | Class | fee |
101 | Sunil | 10th | 2500 |
102 | Sandesh | 10th | NULL |
103 | Rahul | 11th | 3100 |
Consider the above table student {ID,Name,Class, Fee }
a) Write SQL Command to delete column fee.
b) write SQL command to apply primary key constraint on column ID.
c) Suggest name of column on which unique constraint can be applied.
a) What is the degree and cardinality of table student.
b) write SQL Command to add a column city with data type Varchar(25)
c) write SQL Command to delete primary key.
9. Write the SQL Command to perform the following task.
a) Create a database named “MYDB” and use it.
b) Write sql command to list all tables of MYDB database.
c) Write sql command to delete database MYDB.
10. Explain cloud computing and its services.
Section –C
Each question carries 4 marks
11. Consider the following table and write the SQL Queries the following –
ID | Sname | Dateof_Join | City | Fee |
101 | Arjun | 2015-08-07 | Pune | 25000 |
102 | Sanjana | 2018-07-04 | Pune | NULL |
103 | Sunil | 2018-07-14 | Mumbai | 30000 |
105 | Swati | 2016-04-15 | Mumbai | 45000 |
a) To display name and date of joining of those student who belongs to Pune.
b) To display name of those students who have not paid the fee.
c) To display details of those student who paid fee more than 30000
d) To display the records in descending order of Date of joining.
12. Consider the following table Employee and write the output of SQL queries for (a to d) or (e to f) .
EmpNo | Ename | Salary | Bonus | city |
101 | Aaliya | 10000 | 234 | Pune |
102 | Kritika | 60000 | 123 | Mumbai |
103 | Shabbir | 45000 | 566 | Pune |
104 | Gurpreet | 19000 | 565 | Delhi |
105 | Joseph | 34000 | 875 | Delhi |
a) Select * from employee where city=’pune’ and bonus>350;
b) selectename , salary+bonusas”total_pay” from employee order by Enameasc;
c) select * from employee where name like ‘ – %a’ ;
d) select Ename , salary from employee where bonus > 600 ;
e) select Ename,city from employee where city not in (‘pune’,’mumbai’);
f) select Ename,Salary*12 “annual sal”, bonus*12 “annual bonus” from employee .
g) select distinct(city) from employee;
h) select * from employee where city like ‘%e%;
13. Consider the following MOVIE table and answer the SQL queries based on it.
MovieID | MovieName | Category | ProductionCost | BusinessCost |
001 | Hindi_Movie | Musical | 124500 | 130000 |
002 | Tamil_Movie | Action | 112000 | 118000 |
003 | English_Movie | Horror | 245000 | 360000 |
004 | Bengali_Movie | Adventure | 72000 | 100000 |
005 | Telugu_Movie | Action | 100000 | NULL |
006 | Punjabi_Movie | Comedy | 30500 | NULL |
a) To display MovieID, MovieName and BusinessCost of Movies.
b) To List the different categories of movies.
c) To display movieid,name and and Net Profit of all the movies. (Hint: Net Profit = BusinessCost – ProductionCost)
Make sure that the new column name is labelled as NetProfit.
d) To display movieID, Name and ProductionCostof all the movies having ProductionCost greater than 80,000 and less than 1,25,000.