CBSE Sample Paper 11 2020-21 Business Studies
Half Yearly Examination (2020-21)
Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks:80
All questions are compulsory.
A. 1 Mark Questions.
1- Modern concept of business insist on-
a) Earning huge profit
b) Providing services
c) Bearing risk
d) Profit and services
2- Reward for profession is called- 1
a) profit
b) salary
c) Fees
d) All of the above
3- Who becomes ‘karta’ in joint Hindu family business?
a) By voting of members
b) Senior most male member
c) Most educated member of family
d) Any member can become
4- Public sector enterprises are owned by-
a) joint Hindu family
b) Government
c) Foreign companies
d) Private entrepreneurs
5- Ethics are_______
a) Same as law
b) Narrow than law
c) Broader than law
d) None
6- OLX is an example of which of the following category of e-business_______.
a) B2B
b) B2C
c) C2C
d) intra B
7- Common name for ATM, Debit card, Credit Card, Metro card etc is.
a) Electronic card
b) Smart card
c) Visa card
d) Master card
8- Personal inspection of good is possible under.
a) Traditional business
b) e-business
c) Both(a)and (c)
d) none
9- Minimum number of members to form a private company is. 1
a) 2
b) 3
c) 6
d) 7
10- Earthquake comes under which type of risk.
a) Natural cause risk
b) Human cause risk
c) Economic cause risk
d) physical cause risk
B. 2 marks questions.
11- Define Risk.
12- Name the tertiary industry which removes the hindrance of knowledge.
13- Which form of business is suitable for a tailoring shop?
14- What is the liability of “Karta” in joint Hindu family business?
15- Give example of an enterprise operating as departmental undertaking.
16- Which institute is called a Debtor as well as creditor?
17- What is the full form of BPO?
18- Define social responsibility.
19- Define pollution.
20- What is health insurance?
C. 3 marks questions
21- Briefly explain about Air pollution.
22- What are the difference between e-business and traditional business?
23- Explain any three types of bank accounts.
24- Explain the concept of public sector and private sector.
25- What is prospectus?
26- Explain the social objectives of business?
27- Explain the causes of business risk?
28- Define Article of association.
29- Explain the different elements of business ethics.
30- Explain KPO.
D. 5 marks questions.
31- What types of social responsibility performs different interest group?
32- Explain the principles of insurance?
33- Write the difference between NEFT &RTGS.
34- Explain the types of manufacturing industries.