New CBSE Sample Paper 2021 Class 11 Biology

Annual Examination


All questions are compulsory.

1- Name the types of ribosomes found in the cells.1

2- Complete the given sequence of taxonomic categories- a &b.1

Species    –>     Genus  –>      a  –>      order  –>     b     –>  Phylum    –>   Kingdom

3- Name the Pyrimidine base that is present in RNA and not in DNA. 1

4- Name the largest gland in the body. What does this gland secrete? 1

5- Write the scientific name of Mustard and human.         1

6- Define the following with the example of each. 2

a) Acoelomate animals

b) Triploblastic animal

7- Water droplets are observed near the tip of grass leaves in the early morning. 2

a) What is such loss of water called?

b) Why does it differ from transpiration.

8- Draw a labelled diagram of axial and parietal placentation. 2

9- Name the stages of cell division in which following events occur. 2

a) Chromosomes reach at opposite poles.

b) Chromosomes splits and chromatids separate.

c) Chromosomes arrange at equator.

d) Crossing over between non-sister Chromatics takes place.

10- Match the following sets. 2

Set A                                               Set B

i) Ethylene                                 a) Rhinocerose

ii) Lipase                                    b) Lichen

iii) Kajiranga                             c) Ripening of fruits

iv) Symbiosis                             d) Fats

11- Draw a diagram of T.S of dicot stem and label the following parts- 3

Stem Hair, Pericycle, Metaxylem, Phloem, Hypodermis and Endodermis.

12- Distinguish between Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration with equitation. 3

13 (a) Name the bores of pelvic girdle. 1

(b) Give the example of Ball & socket and hinge joints.         1

(c) Dental formula of an adult human. 1

14- Explain non-cycle Phatophorylation along with its pathway.

15- Write the differences between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells.3

16- Who proposed the cell theory? State the salient features of cell theory. 3

17- Draw the floral diagram of the family commonly called pea family with its floral formula. 3

18- Write the characteristics of Bryophytes giving two examples. 3

19- Describe the structure of stomata in leaf and its functions. 3

20- What is Respiratory quetient (RQ)?Determine R.Q of carbohydrate and fats.3

21- Differentiate between apoplast and symplast pathway of water movement in roots. 3

22- Describe the structure of a cell organelle which is called power house of cell. 3

23- Vineet observes the gardener removing the shoot tips of plants for hedge making. He aks his brother the reason for this. His brother explains it to him.

a) What does Vineet’s brother tell him?

b) List two values you observe in Vineet’s brother.

24- Who proposed the fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane? Describe this model with suitable diagram.“Or” Explain the pressure flow hypothesis of translocation of food in plants.

25- Where does the glycolysis occures in the cell? Explain this process with proper sketch step by step. “Or” Describe the structure of the nucleus of Eukaryotic cell with suitable labelled diagram and functions.

26- Draw a well labelled diagram of vertical section of human eye.“Or” What is digestion? Explain the digestion of protein only in our alimentary canal.

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