Here’s a 15-question “Structured Query Language Quiz Class 12” based on the topics “Structured Query Language (SQL): Introduction, Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Types (CHAR(n), VARCHAR(n), INT, FLOAT, DATE), Constraints (NOT NULL, UNIQUE, PRIMARY KEY), Create Database, Use Database, Show Databases, Drop Database, Show Tables, Create Table, Describe Table, Alter Table (Add and Remove an Attribute, Add and Remove Primary Key), Drop Table, Insert, Delete, Select, Operators (Mathematical, Relational, and Logical), Aliasing, Distinct Clause, Where Clause, In, Between, Order By, Meaning of Null, Is Null, Is Not Null, Like, Update Command, Delete Command, Aggregate Functions (MAX, MIN, AVG, SUM, COUNT), Group By, Having Clause, Joins (Cartesian Product on Two Tables, Equi-Join, and Natural Join)”

1. What does SQL stand for?


2. What is the purpose of Data Definition Language (DDL) in SQL?


3. Which data type is used for storing variable-length character strings in SQL?


4. What does the NOT NULL constraint specify in SQL?


5. How can you create a new database in SQL?


6. What is the purpose of the SELECT statement in SQL?


7. What is the meaning of the DISTINCT clause in SQL?


8. How can you filter data using the WHERE clause in SQL?


9. What is the purpose of the GROUP BY clause in SQL?


10. How do you perform an equi-join in SQL?


11. What does the UPDATE command in SQL do?


12. Which keyword is used for removing records from a table in SQL?


13. What is the purpose of the HAVING clause in SQL?


14. What does the MAX() function do in SQL?


15. What is a Cartesian product in SQL?


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