Chapter 2 Distributions In Data Science Class 10 Questions and Answers

Objective Type Questions

1. If a card is chosen from a standard deck of cards, what is the probability of getting a five or a seven?

a) 4/52
b) 1/26
c) 8/52
d) 1/169

Answer- c) 8/52

2. Which of the following is the condition for Uniform Distribution?

a) Each value in the set of possible values has the exact same possibility of happening.
b) Have a constant probability of success
c) Has only two possible outcomes
d) Must have at least 3 trials

Answer- a) Each value in the set of possible values has the exact same possibility of happening.

3. The collection of one or more outcomes from an experiment is called

a) Probability
b) Distribution
c) Event
d) Random Experiment

Answer- c) Event

4. Which of the following are types of distributions?

a) Continuous
b) Discrete
c) Both of them

Answer- c) Both of them

Distributions In Data Science Class 10 Questions and Answers

5. Which of the following is not an example of discrete probability distribution?

a) The sale or purchase price of a house
b) The number of bedrooms in a house
c) The number of bathrooms in a house
d) Whether or not a home has a swimming pool in it

Answer- a) The sale or purchase price of a house

6. A discrete probability distribution may be represented by

a) A table
b) A graph
c) A Mathematical Equation
d) All of these

Answer- d) All of these

7. What is the probability that a ball is drawn at random from a jar?

a) 0.1
b) 1
c) 0.5
d) Cannot be determined from given information

Answer- d) Cannot be determined from given information

8. Statistical investigative process has which of the following components

a) Formulate Statistical Investigative Questions
b) Collect/Consider the Data
c) Analyze the Data
d) All of the above

Answer- d) All of the above

Distributions In Data Science Class 10 Questions and Answers

Standard Questions

1. Explain what distribution in data science with the help of two examples is.

The distribution shows the way data is distributed over different values within the data. It aids in understanding the patterns and variances within the data.

For instance in a classroom the students’ heights could be displayed by using a histogram. It shows how many students fall in different height categories.

Another illustration can be the distribution of scores on tests in which a bar chart could illustrate the number of students that scored various grades.


2. Explain what is a Statistical Problem-Solving process.

Statistical Problem-Solving Process: It’s an approach that is step-by-step to solve statistics-related problems. The procedure involves:

i) Identifying the issue: Define the issue that needs to be resolved or examined.

ii) Collection of data: Collect relevant information for the issue.

iii) Exploring data: Study the data with visualisations and summary statistics.

iv) Analysis of data: Use methods of analysis using statistics to extract conclusions on the basis of data.

v) Interpretation: Drawing conclusions and making recommendations based on the findings.

Distributions In Data Science Class 10 Questions and Answers

3. Explain how distributions are broadly categorized. Support your answer with appropriate examples for each category.

Broad distribution categories:

i) Symmetrical Data: The data is evenly distributed around the middle as in an normal distribution (bell curve) with median, mean and mode are identical (Ex- the heights of men in their adulthood).

ii) Skewed data: Data is grouped towards one side, such as an straight-skewed one (Ex- income, where a handful of people make significantly more than others) as well as left-skewed (Ex- tests scores, where some students are not performing well).

4. Explain in detail how we formulate statistical investigative questions.

i) Choose the people or groups you wish to research.

ii) Select the variables that you’d like to research.

iii) The research issue must be defined in detail and clearly.

iv) Take note of the information required and the best way to collect it.

v) Develop the most appropriate method of statistical analysis.

Distributions In Data Science Class 10 Questions and Answers

5. Name five instances where you have observed a uniform distribution.

Cases of uniform distribution

i) Rolling a fair six-sided dice, which gives each number the same chance of being a part of.

ii) Picking a random choice from a standard deck with each card having the same odds of being picked.

iii) Randomly selecting one number between 1 and 100 by using a computer programmer with equal probabilities for every number.

iv) The drawing of a colored ball from a bag that has been well-mixed of candy, where each color has a similar chance of being chosen.

v) The duration it takes for a traffic signal change, in which each period has a similar chance of happening

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