Topics- Knowledge of data types: Number(integer, floating point,complex), boolean, sequence(string, list, tuple), None, Mapping(dictionary), mutable and immutable data types.

1. Which of the following is a numeric data type in Python?


2. What is the data type of 3.14 in Python?


3. Which of the following is a sequence data type in Python?


4. Which data type is used to represent a collection of elements that can be modified in Python?


5. Which data type is used to represent a collection of elements that cannot be modified in Python?


6. What is the value of the expression 5 > 3 in Python?


7. Which data type is used to represent a single character or a sequence of characters in Python?


8. What is the value of the expression type(42) in Python?


9. What is the value of the expression type([1, 2, 3]) in Python?


10. Which data type is used to represent key-value pairs in Python?


11. What is the data type of the value None in Python?


12. Which data type represents an unordered collection of key-value pairs in Python?


13. Which of the following data types in Python is mutable?


14. What is the value of the expression 3 + 4j in Python?


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