Binary File MCQ Question Bank For Class 12
Binary File MCQ Question Bank For Class 12 1. Out of the followings which mode is used for both reading and writing in binary format in file? a) wb b)…
CS-IT-IP-AI and Data Science Notes, QNA for Class 9 to 12
CBSE Computer Science with Python class 12
Binary File MCQ Question Bank For Class 12 1. Out of the followings which mode is used for both reading and writing in binary format in file? a) wb b)…
Term 1 Sample Paper Computer Science 2021-22 for Class 12 Class: 12 Computer Science (Code 083) (Theory: Term-1) Maximum Marks: 35/Time Allowed: 90 Minutes General Instructions: The question paper is…
MCQs on String and function for class 11 STRING AND BUILT IN FUNCTION Q.1 What is the output of the following code ? example = “snow world” example = ‘s’…
MCQ on for loop in Python class 11 and Class 12 Comouter Sciene/ IP Iterative (loop) Statements Q.1 The for loop in Python is an _____________ a) Entry Controlled Loop…
MCQs on Flow of control, conditional statements Topic: OUTPUT,ERRORS,FLOW OF CONTROL,CONDITIONAL STATEMENTS Q.1 Which one of the following is a valid Python if statement : a) if a>=2 : b)…
MCQs on Boolean Algebra for class 11 Topic: BOOLEAN ALGEBRA, NUMBER SYSTEM, ENCODING SCHEME Q.1 Boolean Algebra is also called a) Switching algebra b) Arithmetic algebra c) Linear algebra d)…
MCQ on Types of Software, Operating system for class 11 Q.1 Software Package is a group of programs that solve multiple problems. a) True b) False Q.2 ____________ refer to…
TOPIC: MCQ BASIC COMPUTER ORGANISATION CLASS 11 Q.1 Data in computer terminology mean? (a) Figure (b) Raw facts (c) Both a & b (d) None of these Q.2 What is…
Dictionary in Python Quiz for Class 11 The quiz contains 16 questions and there is no time limit. You’ll get 1 point for each correct answer. At the end of…
75+ Important SQL MCQs for Class 12 1- What is the full form of SQL? a) Structured Query Language b) Structured Query List c) Simple Query Language d) None of…