Book Store Management Python Project for Class 12
#Python Project for class 12 Computer Science, using mySQL connectivity.
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Source Code:
# import mysql.connector mydb=mysql.connector.connect (host="localhost", user="root", password="admin") #CREATING DATABASE AND TABLE mycursor=mydb.cursor() mycursor.execute("create database if not exists store") mycursor.execute("use store") mycursor.execute("create table if not exists signup(username varchar(20),password varchar(20))") while True: print("""1:Signup 2:Login""") ch=int(input("SIGNUP/LOGIN(1,2):")) #SIGNUP if ch==1: username=input("USERNAME:") pw=input("PASSWORD:") mycursor.execute("insert into signup values('"+username+"','"+pw+"')") mydb.commit() #LOGIN elif ch==2: username=input("USERNAME:") mycursor.execute("select username from signup where username='"+username+"'") pot=mycursor.fetchone() if pot is not None: print("VALID USERNAME!!!!!!") pw=input("PASSWORD:") mycursor.execute("select password from signup where password='"+pw+"'") a=mycursor.fetchone() if a is not None: print("""+++++++++++++++++++++++ +++LOGIN SUCCESSFULL+++ +++++++++++++++++++++++""") print("""====================================================================== ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MY BOOK STORE +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ==========================================================================""") mycursor.execute("create table if not exists Available_Books(BookName varchar(30) primary key,Genre varchar(20),Quantity int(3),Author varchar(20),Publication varchar(30),Price int(4))") mycursor.execute("create table if not exists Sell_rec(CustomerName varchar(20),PhoneNumber char(10) unique key, BookName varchar(30),Quantity int(100),Price int(4),foreign key (BookName) references Available_Books(BookName))") mycursor.execute("create table if not exists Staff_details(Name varchar(30), Gender varchar(10),Age int(3), PhoneNumber char(10) unique key , Address varchar(40))") mydb.commit() while(True): print("""1:Add Books 2:Delete Books 3:Search Books 4:Staff Details 5:Sell Record 6:Available Books 7:Total Income after the Latest Reset 8:Exit""") a=int(input("Enter your choice:")) #ADD BOOKS if a==1: print("All information prompted are mandatory to be filled") book=str(input("Enter Book Name:")) genre=str(input("Genre:")) quantity=int(input("Enter quantity:")) author=str(input("Enter author name:")) publication=str(input("Enter publication house:")) price=int(input("Enter the price:")) mycursor.execute("select * from Available_Books where bookname='"+book+"'") row=mycursor.fetchone() if row is not None: mycursor.execute("update Available_Books set quantity=quantity+'"+str(quantity)+"' where bookname='"+book+"'") mydb.commit() print("""++++++++++++++++++++++ ++SUCCESSFULLY ADDED++ ++++++++++++++++++++++""") else: mycursor.execute("insert into Available_Books(bookname,genre,quantity,author,publication,price) values('"+book+"','"+genre+"','"+str(quantity)+"','"+author+"','"+publication+"','"+str(price)+"')") mydb.commit() print("""++++++++++++++++++++++ ++SUCCESSFULLY ADDED++ ++++++++++++++++++++++""") #DELETE BOOKS elif a==2: print("AVAILABLE BOOKS...") mycursor.execute("select * from Available_Books ") for x in mycursor: print(x) cusname=str(input("Enter customer name:")) phno=int(input("Enter phone number:")) book=str(input("Enter Book Name:")) price=int(input("Enter the price:")) n=int(input("Enter quantity:")) mycursor.execute("select quantity from available_books where bookname='"+book+"'") lk=mycursor.fetchone() if max(lk)<n: print(n,"Books are not available!!!!") else: mycursor.execute("select bookname from available_books where bookname='"+book+"'") log=mycursor.fetchone() if log is not None: mycursor.execute("insert into Sell_rec values('"+cusname+"','"+str(phno)+"','"+book+"','"+str(n)+"','"+str(price)+"')") mycursor.execute("update Available_Books set quantity=quantity-'"+str(n)+"' where BookName='"+book+"'") mydb.commit() print("""++++++++++++++++++++++ ++BOOK HAS BEEN SOLD++ ++++++++++++++++++++++""") else: print("BOOK IS NOT AVAILABLE!!!!!!!") #SEARCH BOOKS ON THE BASIS OF GIVEN OPTIONS elif a==3: print("""1:Search by name 2:Search by genre 3:Search by author""") l=int(input("Search by?:")) #BY BOOKNAME if l==1: o=input("Enter Book to search:") mycursor.execute("select bookname from available_books where bookname='"+o+"'") tree=mycursor.fetchone() if tree!=None: print("""++++++++++++++++++++ ++BOOK IS IN STOCK++ ++++++++++++++++++++""") else: print("BOOK IS NOT IN STOCK!!!!!!!") #BY GENRE elif l==2: g=input("Enter genre to search:") mycursor.execute("select genre from available_books where genre='"+g+"'") poll=mycursor.fetchall() if poll is not None: print("""++++++++++++++++++++ ++BOOK IS IN STOCK++ ++++++++++++++++++++""") mycursor.execute("select * from available_books where genre='"+g+"'") for y in mycursor: print(y) else: print("BOOKS OF SUCH GENRE ARE NOT AVAILABLE!!!!!!!!!") #BY AUTHOR NAME elif l==3: au=input("Enter author to search:") mycursor.execute("select author from available_books where author='"+au+"'") home=mycursor.fetchall() if home is not None: print("""++++++++++++++++++++ ++BOOK IS IN STOCK++ ++++++++++++++++++++""") mycursor.execute("select * from available_books where author='"+au+"'") for z in mycursor: print(z) else: print("BOOKS OF THIS AUTHOR ARE NOT AVAILABLE!!!!!!!") mydb.commit() #STAFF DETAILS elif a==4: print("1:New staff entry") print("2:Remove staff") print("3:Existing staff details") ch=int(input("Enter your choice:")) #NEW STAFF ENTRY if ch==1: fname=str(input("Enter Fullname:")) gender=str(input("Gender(M/F/O):")) age=int(input("Age:")) phno=int(input("Staff phone no.:")) add=str(input("Address:")) mycursor.execute("insert into Staff_details(name,gender,age,phonenumber,address) values('"+fname+"','"+gender+"','"+str(age)+"','"+str(phno)+"','"+add+"')") print("""+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +STAFF IS SUCCESSFULLY ADDED+ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++""") mydb.commit() #REMOVE STAFF elif ch==2: nm=str(input("Enter staff name to remove:")) mycursor.execute("select name from staff_details where name='"+nm+"'") toy=mycursor.fetchone() if toy is not None: mycursor.execute("delete from staff_details where name='"+nm+"'") print("""+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++STAFF IS SUCCESSFULLY REMOVED++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++""") mydb.commit() else: print("STAFF DOESNOT EXIST!!!!!!") #EXISTING STAFF DETAILS elif ch==3: mycursor.execute("select * from Staff_details") run=mycursor.fetchone() for t in mycursor: print(t) if run is not None: print("EXISTING STAFF DETAILS...") for t in mycursor: print(t) else: print("NO STAFF EXISTS!!!!!!!") mydb.commit() #SELL HISTORY elif a==5: print("1:Sell history details") print("2:Reset Sell history") ty=int(input("Enter your choice:")) if ty==1: mycursor.execute("select * from sell_rec") for u in mycursor: print(u) if ty==2: bb=input("Are you sure(Y/N):") if bb=="Y": mycursor.execute("delete from sell_rec") mydb.commit() elif bb=="N": pass #AVAILABLE BOOKS elif a==6: mycursor.execute("select * from available_books order by bookname") for v in mycursor: print(v) #TOTAL INCOME AFTER LATEST UPDATE elif a==7: mycursor.execute("select sum(price) from sell_rec") for x in mycursor: print(x) #EXIT elif a==8: break #LOGIN ELSE PART else: print("""++++++++++++++++++++++ ++INCORRECT PASSWORD++ ++++++++++++++++++++++""") else: print("""++++++++++++++++++++ ++INVALID USERNAME++ ++++++++++++++++++++""") else: break
= RESTART: C:\Users\Compaq\BOOKSTORE 1:Signup 2:Login SIGNUP/LOGIN(1,2):1 USERNAME:"jitendra" PASSWORD:"12345" 1:Signup 2:Login SIGNUP/LOGIN(1,2):2 USERNAME:"jitendra" VALID USERNAME!!!!!! PASSWORD:"12345" +++++++++++++++++++++++ +++LOGIN SUCCESSFULL+++ +++++++++++++++++++++++ ====================================================================== ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MY BOOK STORE +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ========================================================================== 1:Add Books 2:Delete Books 3:Search Books 4:Staff Details 5:Sell Record 6:Available Books 7:Total Income after the Latest Reset 8:Exit Enter your choice:1 All information prompted are mandatory to be filled Enter Book Name:"Computer Science with Python" Genre:"Programming" Enter quantity:10 Enter author name:"cbsepython" Enter publication house:"" Enter the price:320 ++++++++++++++++++++++ ++SUCCESSFULLY ADDED++ ++++++++++++++++++++++ 1:Add Books 2:Delete Books 3:Search Books 4:Staff Details 5:Sell Record 6:Available Books 7:Total Income after the Latest Reset 8:Exit Enter your choice:
This is a Python program that creates a simple bookstore management system. The program allows users to sign up or login, add books to the store, delete books from the store, search for books by various criteria, view staff details, record sales, and view the total income after the latest reset. The program uses MySQL as its database management system.
When the program is run, it first creates a connection to the MySQL server running on the local machine, using the root user and the password “admin”. It then creates a database called “store” (if it doesn’t already exist) and uses it. It creates a table called “signup” with columns for “username” and “password”. This table is used to store user account information.
The program then enters a loop that presents the user with a choice between signing up and logging in. If the user chooses to sign up, they are prompted to enter a username and password, which are then stored in the “signup” table. If the user chooses to log in, they are prompted to enter a username. If the username is found in the “signup” table, the program prompts the user to enter their password. If the password is correct, the user is presented with a menu of options for managing the bookstore.
The options for managing the bookstore are:
- Add Books: The user is prompted to enter information about a new book (name, genre, quantity, author, publication, and price). If the book is already in the store, the quantity is increased. Otherwise, the book is added to the “Available_Books” table.
- Delete Books: The user is shown a list of available books and prompted to enter information about a book to delete (name, quantity, customer name, phone number, and price). If the requested quantity of the book is available, a record of the sale is added to the “Sell_rec” table and the quantity of the book is decreased. Otherwise, an error message is displayed.
- Search Books: The user is prompted to choose a search criterion (name, genre, or author) and enter a search term. The program searches the “Available_Books” table for books matching the search criterion and term and displays the results.
- Staff Details: The user is shown a list of staff details (name, gender, age, phone number, and address) stored in the “Staff_details” table.
- Sell Record: The user is shown a list of records of book sales stored in the “Sell_rec” table.
- Available Books: The user is shown a list of available books stored in the “Available_Books” table.
- Total Income after the Latest Reset: The user is shown the total income from book sales since the last reset.
- Exit: The program exits.
Overall, this program provides a basic framework for managing a small bookstore. However, it has several limitations and potential issues. For example, the program does not include any error handling or input validation, which could lead to incorrect or invalid data being stored in the database. Additionally, the program does not include any authentication or authorization mechanisms, so anyone with access to the program can perform any action on the database.