Introduction to Styles in LibreOffice Writer Notes 

In LibreOffice Writer, “Styles” help us format documents quickly and consistently. Using styles saves time because you don’t need to format each part of your document separately.

Styles/Categories in Writer

Styles in LibreOffice Writer are divided into several categories:

  1. Page Styles – Control the layout of the entire page, including margins, headers, footers, and page numbers.
  2. Paragraph Styles – Affect whole paragraphs, such as line spacing, alignment, and indentations.
  3. Character Styles – Apply to individual letters or words, like changing font style, color, or size.
  4. Frame Styles – Used to control the appearance and placement of text frames, images, or charts.
  5. List Styles – Used for formatting bullet points and numbered lists.
  6. Table Styles – Help in formatting tables by controlling borders, shading, and alignment.

Styles and Formatting

In LibreOffice Writer, there is a Styles and Formatting window that allows you to manage all types of styles. You can open this window by pressing F11 or by clicking on the “Styles” icon in the toolbar. This window shows different style categories, like paragraph styles, character styles, etc.

Fill Format

The Fill Format mode allows you to apply a style to different parts of the document quickly. When you activate this mode, you can click on any paragraph, character, or page to apply the chosen style instantly.

Creating a New Style

There are a few ways to create a new style in LibreOffice Writer:

  1. From Selection Method
    • Format your text or paragraph as you want.
    • Open the Styles and Formatting window.
    • Right-click on the type of style you want (like Paragraph or Character) and choose New Style from Selection.
    • Give your new style a name.
  2. Drag and Drop Method
    • Format the text or paragraph.
    • Open the Styles and Formatting window.
    • Drag the formatted text into the window to create a new style automatically.

Updating a Style

If you want to change the look of a style, you can update it:

  • Format some text the way you want.
  • Right-click on the style in the Styles and Formatting window and choose Update Style. This will apply the new formatting to all parts of your document where this style is used.

Load Style from Template or Document

You can also load styles from another document or template:

  • Open the Styles and Formatting window.
  • Click on the icon that looks like a box with an arrow (Load Styles).
  • Select the document or template that has the styles you want to use.

Applying Styles

To apply a style:

  • Select the text or paragraph where you want the style.
  • Open the Styles and Formatting window.
  • Click on the style you want to apply.

Using styles makes your document look organized and professional with minimal effort. You can change the whole look of a document by updating just one style!


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